I still haven’t been able to get the phone and internet lines connected… I should have known everything couldn’t possibly go smoothly…
Not much else really to report… I’m kind of at some stage in between my new home and the old one… but not quite homeless, and not quite on holiday… It’s a little unsettling, a bit like waiting at the platform for the train to arrive… but I know I’ll soon be settled… and I’ll no longer call it ‘the Cottage’ instead it’ll be plain and simply ‘home’!
I always have very strong ‘gut feelings’ about things, and I tend to trust those instincts… I’d like to think that if I’d made the biggest mistake of my life, I’d know it… and today, deep down in my gut I felt content and confident… so I’m thinking that’s a pretty good sign!
With my internet not yet set up, I’m only able to get online at my brothers house… it’s great that I can still get online, but his wireless has gone haywire, so I’m only on once a day (he and 4 kids share the PC)…
I hope you’re all keeping well, and will catch up with you all soon… x