Sunday 2 December 2007

The bad weather has put a slight delay on delivery of my stuff... but I'm not really all that surprised considering how rough the weather has been here this weekend.

The weekend has flown past, and all my good intentions have also flown by.... (oops!). I was planning to have done some cleaning and painting already, but have instead been taking it easy.... (slapped wrists, I know). I did BUY the paint though, so have everything I need to get started... I just need the motivation now.

I went and had a good look round the cottage... it looks OK, needs a bit more work than I'd imagined (and more than I'd been told), but even so, it's still OK to move in, and nothing is urgent.... it can all be done in time...

Today we went to the Bazaar in town, and it was strange to walk round thinking that this is my home now... I felt completely unconnected from the whole thing... I knew nobody outside my family, and felt completely overwhelmed that I'm here for good... Maybe the problem is that I'm going away on holidays now soon, so I'm not here permanently, and I'm not even living down in the cottage yet... I'm sure it'll sink in after spending a week there, just myself and Mr Tom...