So, it seems like we are not as far down 'regulation road' as perhaps we thought. I am still not feeling right and we are rapidly getting to the point where we are becoming more and more nervous about exactly how long it is going to take before we settle on the right medication.
The Doctor tested my bloods for FT4 and for TSH. My FT4 was still registering in the 'normal' range at 1.4, but for my age the goal is to be closer to the higher end of that range (which is 1.85). My TSH still showed as suppressed. WEIRD.
I knew something was wrong, I could feel it, and I have read so many books and studies about thyroid disease recently and I just had a feeling that what I was feeling seemed to fit with my FT3 levels being low. I mentioned this to the doctor, and I'm not really sure if he agreed, but since I'm the one who knows my body the best he ordered the bloods again - FT3, FT4 and TSH.
I didn't realize he'd put a rush on them, and yesterday afternoon the office called to say that my FT3 levels were indeed low and that they would like me to start taking the cytomel medication as soon as possible.
It was good news and bad, but mostly good. Good because I now knew I wasn't going crazy - I knew my body well enough to know what felt wrong and was knowledgeable about the different thyroid processed and hormones to be able to work out that it was the T3 causing my problems.
Bad because it meant some more trial & error on a new medication and we really don't know how it's going to effect my body, or if it's going to mean starting back on trying to work out dosage and changing pills every couple weeks again.
I guess we'll see.
We are also being referred to see a specialist, a different one this time. They have referred me to OSHU which is one of the very best hospitals in the area and they have a very good reputation with Endocrine disorders. I'm not sure how long that will take, and perhaps before I get the appointment I will already be feeling better with the new meds... we can but hope?!?!