YAY - So, it seems that today is definitely a day to celebrate! :) When I was a child I used to absolutely love Pancake Day. Mum would make us pancakes after dinner and we would be able to have whatever toppings we wanted. It was always fun to try and toss the pancake in the pan too!
Hey, who am I kidding... I still love pancake day as an adult. I don't think I ever let one pass without honouring it with the perfectly thin & delicious discs of goodness. I even hosted a pancake party or two in my day, I'll have you know. Tossing dozens upon dozens of the things in various colours and sizes for whoever wanted to show up!
So, today will be no different. I am about to go and make the batter so it can sit in the fridge for the rest of the day to 'settle'. It always makes them taste so much better.
The rest of my day is dedicated to trying to get finished on the organisation I started in the kitchen. I will say, it looks really good. We added some shelving beside the cooker for food storage, and then also added some more shelving above the (new) dishwasher. The one thing this kitchen never really had was ample storage, and it got even worse last spring when we took out the pantry closet to put the fridge in there. I love that the fridge is away and not taking up all the room in the kitchen, but that deep floor to ceiling storage was very handy!
Anyway... What else can I tell you?

Hummmm - This weekend was awesome. It started when Cory got off work early on Friday and we headed up to Portland for an early Valentines date. We did some shopping (craft shopping for me) and hit IKEA too for some storage jars and such... I had a plan for the kitchen!
After that we went out for a yummy dinner and we had a great evening. It was so nice to just have a chilled relaxed evening.
On Saturday we did a quick clean up around the house and cut Cory's hair, and then we headed to Dallas to visit Cory's Grandmother in the residential home. She's been there a few weeks now and we try and see her as much as possible, but it's hard since it's such a long drive from here.
We hadn't intended being gone all day, but it happened anyway. We ended up going to the farm to cut a quick load of wood and had dinner with Cory's parents and niece Julia. After that we headed home, via Cory's Grampa's place to pick up some old family photo albums.
We headed over to our neighbours for a glass of wine when we got home and ended up being there til after midnight... we're not used to staying up late these days, so we dragged ourselves home and hit the hay!
After Church on Sunday we decided to get cracking on the house... That plan of mine was still bubbling away and I was excited to see if it would work. Cory started putting up the shelving brackets and I started spring cleaning - OH BOY! What a task!
After lunch we heard a little knock on the door, it was John and Andy... they needed some help (and a big truck) to relocate their Japanese Maple tree.
What a task - it took three men and a truck a total of about 2.5 hours to move that thing. Not to mention the 3 hours John had put into digging around it the weekend before. At least it's moved now and it's in the most perfect spot. I just hope it survives after the boys cut quite a bit off the tap roots... it's so pretty.
Anyway, that's our weekend in a nutshell... after moving the tree we got back to the spring clean on our kitchen and dining room.... I was a tired girl by the time I was done!