On Friday we went to visit Cory's Grandmother at the rest home. It was her birthday, so we wanted to spend some time with her. We went for dinner with Cory's parents after and came back to see Paula before heading home. Right before we left I asked her if she's had a terrible birthday and she replied "It could have been worse!". Her response sparked in me - she was going through so much and times were very hard for her but she still managed to give me a positive response.
We headed home & hit the hay early - we had a big day planned.
First thing Saturday morning we went to the farm to pick up the 'little tractor'. It would save us (well, mainly Cory) a lot of backache rotertilling the garden with the little tiller, and our neighbours John & Janet had a truck load of compost delivered so we'd promised to help them distribute it around their garden. It would save their backs from having to move it all by wheelbarrow - and would save them a ton of time too!
So, we got busy, rotertilling the 'lawn' and moving compost... we were busy all day - even the tractor was tired by the time we were done.
We got together with J&J for dinner and by 8.15pm all of us were yawning and aching. It was time for us to get an early night.
Sunday morning came quickly, and I was on 'duty' for the projection. We headed out the door, stopped at Dutch Bros for a much needed morning kick and got started at Church. The service was really good - the music was sounding great and the choice of songs was fab. The sermon as always was clear and hit home...
After we got wrapped up at church we needed to go grab a few bits & bobs around town, and we grabbed a quick bite to eat too. We couldn't find the fescue seed we had wanted to plant the lawn. Bummer... we'd have to think this one through a little better.
We worked on the garden for a couple more hours, planted a whole new flower bed and Cory smoothed out the area he had rotertilled the day before. It was still looking like we had mud for a yard, but it was a step closer!
We dropped the tractor back home and went to the farm to help Cory's Mom with a few computer and iPhone things. We had dinner there and about 8.30pm hit the road for home. Another night getting home later than we'd hoped... Oh well!
This morning I'm meant to head to Dallas for a blood test to check my thyroid levels. I didn't sleep well and feel drained... I should drink a ton of water before I hit the road, hopefully that will help them get some blood this time... Ewwww
Here's some pics of the garden progress:
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