Before I started the job up in the call centre, I was starting to get very homesick, my day had no routine, no real drive... so one day, I just thought "I either get a job and settle down, or I go home right now"... So, I got up of my butt and got a job.
It was the best thing I could have done. Ok, the job wasn't exactly the greatest, but it was a regular time every day, and I got out to mingle with people - the thing I love to do!
I also joined a Martial Arts club here, it's great! The class I go to is run by a family friend and the people there are great! It's not a big crowd, which is even better.... we have a laugh and learn Jiu Jitsu, you can't beat it!

My mum, brother and the boys came to visit back in April, it was great fun... The boys loved it, we had some good weather too, so spent some time at the beach! I was able to take the time off work and just spend with them... mum was here for her birthday too!!!!
My first birthday here was a little strange... usually I would go round to my mums and just chill out, and then maybe go out with friends in the evening or the weekend following... This year it was just me, and little Tom.
I didn't really have anyone to celebrate it with, so I went to work and just tried to forget about it... that was easier said than done, with all my UK friends and family texting and calling to wish me a happy one, I ended up more homesick than I had been, and just wanted to go home.... The tears filled my eyes, and I just wished I was anywhere than here...
That evening I went to watch the kids play football in Rasheeney, it was good to stay outta the house, so I didn't get all down in the dumps, it was even better that the boys won!!!!

Some friends of mine from the UK paid a visit at the end of May, the 4 of them came on their motor bikes and did a littl tour of Ireland before ending up at my house...
Thankfully while they were here we had some great weather and were able to go out and see the sights, play at the beach for a bit, and enjoy chillin in the pub....
We found ourselves taking part in the pub quiz one night, we named ourselves "Smelly cheeses in the corner"!!!! :)

Sadly, on their last night, we were in the taxi coming home... as I got to the house I could see something in the road ahead, and my gut lurched... I knew it was Tom.
My buddy was amazing, he jumped outta the car and went to see Tom, there was nothing we could do, he'd died instantly... so he wrapped him in a towel and carried him back to the house. It was 3am, and that sobered us up instantly!!!
I was really taken heartbroken about poor little Tom, he and I had been through some tough times, and he was always there for me. He'd listen to me rambling on, and would just comfort me when I needed it. He was a good little friend, I would (and still do) miss him dearly.
Sometimes I think he came for a purpose, to get me through a tough patch and he did that... then it was time to leave? Sometimes I wonder if he had a happy little life with me, I sure hope so... we weren't friends for long, but it was a great friendship when I needed it most!
My biker buddies did Tom proud, they burried him in the garden for me, a nice quiet spot under the tree... I was glad that we found him, and were able to put him to rest... my buddies will never really know how much that meant to me.