Well, I have finally managed to reactivate the account to go with this blog, I'm not quite sure what the problem was, but hey, it's fixed now, that's what counts!
It's been quite some time since my last post, so I'll try and update this in as short a post as possible.
Have been here in the Emerald Isle since February - I had a great holiday in the USA over Christmas and New Year, and that left me refreshed for my new start!
At 4am on the 17th Feb, after quite a lot of fighting to get Tom into his box, Mr Tom and I packed ourselves into the car and headed for our new lives, not knowing what was ahead of us, but knowing that behind we had left a very loving and slightly heart broken family.
About 15 minutes into the drive I finally managed to stop the flow of tears and concentrate on the road ahead, my heart was aching having to leave my family behind, but I knew I had to give this a go, so I swallowed the lump in
We arrived here that evening and it was absolutely freezing, there was no heating on in the house for us when we arrived, so I made a start with a fire and snuggled up with Tom on the chair... It was -7 that night and similar temps the whole week... what on earth had I let myself in for?

We started unpacking our things and getting settled, and soon enough this old cottage began to feel like home.
We had quite bad weather for quite some time, lots of hail and snow, the wind at night was fierce, it's a good job I wasn't the kind to get scared easily at new noises.
Mr Tom finally decided that he was brave enough to go out.... so, off he went.... the first walk didn't last all that long, he had a quick ramble through the bushes out back, a quick scout round inside the garage and was back inside snuggled up infront of the fire again!
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