Well, with the summer pretending to be here, without the nice weather, I decided that it was now or never to get the back garden started....
So, I got a guy in with a digger for the day to dig out all the plants and bushes, and to cart it all down to the back of the garden (or should I say field).

I thought this was the first step, so I could then see what I was starting with, but instead it just made me realise that there is WAY too much land there for me to start with myself, so I need some help :p
I walked down to the back of the garden and realised that there is SO much more land there than I could imagine with all the bushes and shrubs there. I also realised that the soil was pretty poor, so would need to haul in tons and tons of topsoil.

I did find these large rocks which I think are just fantastic. I asked mum about them and she said that they used to have them into a bit of a rockery and they would have little picnics out there when she was little. I thought that was just fab, so I am hoping that I'll be able to use them in my garden.

So, I've had the landscapers out to have a look at it and am waiting for them to come back to me with an idea on designs so I can have a look through and get a better feel for it... Fingers crossed!
Besides that, there isn't much else I've started on the house... I really need to start painting, but it's just hard getting started... I need some kind of kick up the ass!!!
I'm in holiday mode now, so I doubt anything will be done til after I'm back... Ah well, where's the hurry eh! ;)
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