We really lucked out with the location too. We stayed in a beautiful little town that not frequented by too many tourists and we really enjoyed that. We got a good feel of what we called 'real Hawaii'. Our apartment was just a short walk to the beach and we were spoilt. It is ranked as one of the top 10 beaches in the world year after year - and with good reason. It's beautiful.
The next beach down was just amazing too - again, another one that is ranked as the top 10 beaches of the world repeatedly.
We travelled around the whole island of O'ahu and every time we came back to Kailua we said to each other "I like our beach better".
The first morning we were there we both were still on Oregon time and woke up before sunrise. So we quickly got ready and walked down to the beach. It was beautiful.
We walked the length of the beach as we watched the sunrise. I think it might be on my list for the most stunning mornings I've seen.
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