Yesterday and today have been fairly low key too. We had lunch with Cory's brother Erik yesterday, and his girlfriend and her two kids. We hadn't seen them around Christmas time so we still had Christmas gifts for them, so that was nice. They're cute kids!
After that Cory and I worked on the house a little bit. I'd bought some rubbermaid storage boxes on sale to organise my craft stuff, so I worked on that for a fair chunk of the afternoon. Cory was mostly trying to get the plumbing done for the basement. It turned out to be a MUCH bigger job than we had expected. The old plumbing line was weak and when Cory connected the new line it gave way! Oh Crap! So, we put a temporary fix on it to see us through the evening and today after Church went to Lowes to get the rest of the copper pipe and fixtures we needed.
Today was my first solo as the visual projection person at Church. I am pretty pleased with how it went and I think it went ok. Thankfully we had gone to the music practice on Tuesday so I could type up the two new songs. Otherwise it could have been a little more hectic this morning, especially since the service times were changing to earlier today too!
So, right now Cory & Andrew are working on getting the last bits done on the plumbing and hopefully they shouldn't have much more to do. It'll be awesome when it's done and we can do the first load of dishes in the dishwasher!
I guess I had better get going and make the working men some dinner too... I'm going to make Shepherds pie tonight and it will be nice to have a relaxing evening before the working week starts!
Here are some pics of Cory & Andrew plumbing in and installing the dishwasher... Please try to look beyond our messy house ;)

I almost didn't add this one, because of the state of the kitchen in the background... but if you understand what was going on you'll be able to see pass the bomb site. I had just got water back and was in the middle of cooking a yummy Shepherds pie for the working men. They had just pulled the dishwasher out again for the millionth time and I almost spilled the pie on Andrew while transferring it from the counter to the oven. What a disaster that would have been, we were ALL VERY HUNGRY! Right before Cory snapped this shot I'd grabbed the instruction manual to double check they'd done everything right! hehehehe
Within about half hour of this photo being taken our kitchen was transformed! The dishwasher was in place, running a cycle and the kitchen was tidy. I guess I should have taken an 'after' shot so you'd believe me ;)
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