Here are some excerpts of what I wrote a few days after Cory proposed to me. I never wanted to forget the feeling and emotions of that day. It's our special day, and our very special place.
I got back to the US on Wednesday March 25th, and what a nightmare that was... The flight from London to Texas was 2.5 hours late, and then I got to immigration, and the battle axe there gave me a hard time, and took me to an interview room, where I was quizzed solidly for 42 minutes... somehow, by the grace of God they decided to let me in....
Then on Friday evening, Cory left work and came home at lunchtime, saying that he just wanted to hang out with me, my first weekend back and all that...
We planned to go to the beach on Saturday which wasn't unusual for us so I thought nothing of it...
So, we go to the beach, and it's tipping down a storm.... but it's amazing, the waves are high and it's just beautiful....
Cory brings me to Yaquina Head lighthouse saying that he wants to show me a little cobble beach there, that has these black stones (it's a very cool beach)...

We get out and start walking down the steps to the beach... but he runs back to the truck saying he needs his camera... Stupid me, I still don't cop on (he was going to get the ring)!
We get to the beach, and we're walking, there is no one else there...and he tells me that he wants this to be forever, that he wants me to be his wife and he wants to spend all the tomorrows with me.....
He gets out the ring, and I can't even think of the ring, all I can think about are the words he just said and that he wants
We were standing there on the beach, in the wind and the rain for a fair while before we decided that it was cold and we started walking back to the truck... I was walking on clouds, I didn't care that I was cold and soaked through to the core... I was the happiest woman alive.
When we got back to the truck Cory got out his camera and took an 'after' photo, and then finally everything started to fit into place, I finally realised that he had planned it carefully...

Well, that's the story! He was so sweet, so romantic and I was in shock for the longest time that we're actually going to get married....