They arrived on the Thursday, so we decided to go to the Horse Brass English Pub in Portland on the way back from the airport for some dinner and drinks! I was so excited to see English beers...

Jeff came and meet up with us for a drink... it was nice to finally meet him, and to see everyone together again.

After that we headed to PC to the beach house we had rented... It was awesome, and perfectly located just slightly north of the dune with private beach access!
After settling in, someone (I don't remember who) had the bright idea of climbing the dune! Well, it sounded like a good idea to all of us, so we headed out (leaving Janelle behind to study).
Very shortly I realised that there was no way in the world I was going to make it up the dune... But, instead of being a spoilt sport, I kept trying... chugging along at the back over the first two little dunes.
As I approached the main dune I was feeling light headed and out of breath, my thighs were burning and I just didn't know what was going on. I had never had a problem doing things like this before. Cory came and tried to help me get all the way to the top, but there was no way, and I eventually had to stop and sit down while the rest of the group carried on to the top! I was defeated and extremely annoyed with myself.
Even on the way back to the house I was struggling to climb back over the two little dunes and I felt embarrassed. Little did I know, but it should have been a sign that something was going on with my health... Again the graves disease tried to get our attention, but we ignored it!
Saturday evening we had a great night, playing board games, chillin' in the hot tub and enjoying the group of friends... oh, and Jeff made meatball grinders... they were really good, but I had never been served such a lot of meat (and only meat) in one meal!
Well, the weekend had flown by and Alex & Tara were to leave on Sunday afternoon... We decided to drive up the coast and see some sights before their flight... it was a great afternoon, we saw Cape Meares and the light house.... Then we headed to the grand lodge for lunch before saying goodbye!

Little did we know we'd see them in Oregon again in a couple months... ;)
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