The tables, chairs, linen, china and silverware all arrived in the morning of the big day, and we had our close friends here on hand to help get the last few bits & pieces done... we were expecting perhaps a little sprinkle of rain, so we set up everything except the linens, and a friend of ours was going to put them out right at the last minute before we arrived back from the ceremony.
Mum & I headed to the salon to get our hair done leaving everyone buzzing around getting things done. Once we got back Mum and a good friend Tara got working on the flowers for Anna and I, and I went round to have a quick squizz and make sure everything was right and in place.
As soon as everything was finished Cory & Andrew headed to the farm - they needed to double check a few things up there and were also getting suited and booted up there!
Excitement had started to set in... I could feel the butterflies in my stomach!

With make up done, I enlisted the help of Anna and my Mum to do up the lacing at the back of my dress... It fit... we were in luck! (There was one small flaw on the dress, right under the zip at the back, but my Mum decided that it was best to not point it out until much later in the day, in fact, I think she told me about 9pm or 10pm that evening when I said I thought I'd ripped it!
Right on time John & Janet came and knocked on the door for us. John had decorated the 41 Chevy beautifully, and they were ready for Anna and I.
Dave took my Mum and the boys in our truck and drove behind us to the farm! Oooooh, I was getting excited (and I was very glad that the weather wasn't too hot yet).

I went into the house and Cory's Mammaw was there. She gave me an Irish linen handkerchief and a sixpence. She had bought the Irish linen years before when she was on a trip to Ireland with the plan to give it to Cory's bride on her wedding day, and the same with the sixpence. It was very sweet. I promptly put the sixpence in my shoe (it's not the most comfortable place, but it's traditional) and I hid the handkerchief in a flower arrangement next to where we would stand during the ceremony (just in case I needed it).
With the sixpence in place I realised that I had all the traditional items except for "something blue".... As I was wondering what I should do I rummaged through my handbag.... nothing!
hummm.... but then I had an idea.
I grabbed the blue ball point pen from my purse and thought for a brief second... I knew exactly what I would be my "something blue". I wrote on the outside of my right calf "Cory's Mary". It was what Cory's niece called me and subsequently had turned into my nickname. It was perfect!
A few moments later Mike told Anna to come get me - He was done taking the photos of the men getting ready and he wanted me up there next.

So, I went up there, asked Mike if he would usher everyone else downstairs and I was ready to see my groom! I was excited to see him! This was our special moment.
I remember that moment clearly. Mike gave me the sign and I opened the door. Cory was standing with his back to me, looking out the window at the garden below that was set up for our ceremony. As I started walking towards him he turned around and I could see in his face right there at that moment that he was filled with pride to have me there as his wife.

The next while was dedicated to photos... lots of them... then our guests started arriving and I knew it was almost time!

After the ceremony we had a cookie and punch reception there at the house. It was a good time for guests to visit with each other, and it also meant they didn't have to just stand around 'watching' as the rest of the photos were being taken.
Then it was time to head to the reception...
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