First stop, the nail bar! I am not usually one to take the time needed to go and have my nails done, but this was my special day, so I wanted to take the extra effort to look as best as I could. After abut 45 mins later, I leave there with pretty acrylic nails... I'm not used to having these, and she did them a fair bit longer than I would have liked, but I knew I'd get used to them in a few mins.
After that I headed to the salon for my hair appointment. Again, I am not used to spending time pampering myself, but thankfully the girls there are awesome, and we had a fun morning chatting, and I was getting excited!
So, with my hair and nails done I'm about ready to get heading home. I turn the radio up, and sing along as the excitement sets in the pit of my stomach.
Cory made my beautiful bouquet and I started to get ready... It was a beautiful May afternoon and in just a few hours I would be Mrs Fast! I was overjoyed. As I got ready I went over the vows I had written in my head. I knew that there was a slim (to no) chance that I would remember them from heart when the time came, but at that moment I did, and they will forever be imprinted on my heart. I had a printed copy as a back up with me, I knew I'd be needing it.
We pulled into the driveway at the farm and "whack!" Cory remembered that we had forgotten our Marriage Licence. I don't know why I didn't think about it. I had put it on the coffee table in a huge envelope so we wouldn't forget it, but in the excitement of everything we just left the house... Crap, Crap, Crap!
Cory dropped me off, and all the other stuff we needed and he headed back to our house to get it. I guess we could have just had it signed on another date or whatever, but that wouldn't have been the same. That was supposed to be our wedding day, that was when we wanted to exchange our rings and vows, and when we wanted to sign our papers.
I tried to keep busy, doing all the things I needed to, but I couldn't help but feel a little stressed. I felt like I should have gone with him to the house, but I knew he would drive safe and would be back before long. I remember at one point Cory's Dad, Doug said something to me, he was trying to be sweet, and I don't even remember what it was that he said, but that was it for me, the dam burst and I started to cry. I was mad with myself, I didn't want to cry, and I didn't want to ruin my make up either. I just wanted Cory to be back, and for him to tell me it was all going to be ok.

We were standing there ready to go into the room, and the music we had chosen started. I could hardly believe it. We catch a glimpse of each other, then start walking... I will never forget that moment. My heart was beating so hard, it felt like everyone could probably see it pounding in my chest. I catch a glimpse of Dan, looking at us and smiling... and I squeeze Cory's hand so hard as we walk the few extra steps to our spots.

So, after a wonderful "last first kiss" and our hearts still going crazy, we were announced as
Mr & Mrs Cory Fast!
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