Well, late afternoon that plan kind of hit the fan.
Everyone was in our garden getting the dance floor and lighting situated and I was inside with Mum. I was working on the programs that I was supposed to send the files to print that afternoon. I just couldn't seem to be able to concentrate (a classic GD symptom) enough to get them done, and my pulse was high and I felt light headed. I kept thinking it was just to do with the heat and the stress of the wedding being in 2 days....
I decided to go for a walk. Not the smartest thing I had ever done, but in my head at that moment it seemed like a good idea. My pulse was 143 bpm and I thought if I could just get away and relax for a few mins it would all feel better... little did I know.
After just a few minutes into the walk my breathing became a struggle and I started to get very light headed... Thankfully, my Mum knew me better than I knew myself and she had gone and told Cory that I'd headed for a walk and that he should go with me... he caught up to me and realised I wasn't doing very well at all.
So he made me sit down in the shade in the park and try to rest and get my breath back. He was worried and wanted to call Andrew to come get us to take us to the dr/hospital, but I didn't want a fuss, I didn't want everyone to know I was having any issues so I made him promise he wouldn't do that.
Eventually, after much persuasion he got me to head home with him. That walk home was the longest ever, and I was worried that people would see me and start to panic. I didn't want people to panic, and I certainly didn't want people to see me in that state.
After struggling to get home, I headed to the basement to lay down. Cory gave me some of the pills the dr's had prescribed and they helped me to sleep, and slowly my pulse started to ease off a little and my breathing became more regulated. I felt bad for him and my Mum who were worried about what was happening, but I couldn't control what my body was doing and all I wanted to do was hide it from everyone else.
So, with that still going on as the 'boys' were supposed to be getting ready to leave it kind of messed with their plans. I still really wanted them to go, but I couldn't persuade them. Cory was adamant that he wasn't leaving my side.
So, after a LONG nap and with the medicine doing it's job I was feeling better... The only way Cory was going to get his stag night was if we went too... So, Anna and I made ready and went with them. We had a joint Hen/Stag night.
It was actually a lot of fun! We went to a few clubs and pubs in Salem, and all had a really good evening. I was one of the DD's since I couldn't drink anything harder than diet Pepsi with the meds I was taking. Andrew was the other DD.
We got home around 2am, everyone grabbed a beer and about 3am I took Danny, Steve and Dave to where they were staying... I was a tired girlie and had a big day ahead of me! :)
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