Knowing that I would be away for almost 4 weeks over Christmas and New Year was great, it meant I had 3 months left to pack and sort everything out...
Having time off was pretty good to start with... I enjoyed having time to do all the things I never had time to get round to doing, and I got to see friends, visit family, go away for a little break etc...
But very quickly my mind started to get bored, and I felt like I was going insane and it was getting harder to sleep at night because my mind was too active...
Legal paperwork for the flat sale, ringing round removal companies and packing occupied my time but did nothing to relieve the boredom... I was just going to have to do something about it ;)
So I've been reading loads of books again which is good... not only did it help me with food for my brain, but it also helped me get to sleep in the evenings....

They are like chalk and cheese, and being the delightful age of 4, I think they'd even manage to keep supernanny on her toes.... They've just started school, so are coming home with some new saying pretty much every day, but, I know I will miss the little monkeys, and I will probably now have an oversized carbon footprint from all the weekend visits I'm hoping to make thanks to Ryanair having such good deals at the moment... ;)
Well, with just a week to go before moving day, I'm off to spend this afternoon packing what I wont need between now and then.... Oh what fun, I'll put he radio on, and boogie the afternoon away at the same time ;)
Winnage! Wait, wrong website... :-D
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