Driving home I was like a woman on the edge... it took me the best apart of 2 hours to drive the whole 14 miles... when traffic get like that, people forget how to drive, and the roads turn to one huge battle ground!
On Saturday I was still showing signs of stress, but I had a lay in, and decided that I wasn't going to let it ruin my night out... so I got ready for the day, and hit the roads again... thankfully the traffic had returned to normal overnight, and I was able to make mental lists while driving that same 14 mile journey in only 40 minutes...
Today at my parents place I was going through some old things of mine, that I wanted to take with me, and I was just walking from box to box, not really able to do anything... it had finally hit me that this is it... the time has come, and I am really moving out of the country... I felt completely overwhelmed, and unable to understand the roller coaster of emotions that started soaring through my body...
So I taped up the boxes, decided I would ship them now and sort them on the other side (a bad idea, I know, but I just couldn't go through all those letters and photos, and drawings without looking at everything, and that could have taken a quite a few hours...)
So, mum put the kettle on for a cuppa, and we got dad to load everything into my car...
On the way home, one minute I was fine, but then the next a switch flicked and the water works started... it was like the great floods had started again... Once I stopped I felt refreshed... I realised that I still had 2 days... it was like the tears had cleared away some of the stress, and lifted some of the weight off my shoulders.
So, with my red and very puffy eyes, I stopped off at tesco to get some cat food for Mr Tom, and a LARGE bar of chocolate for me ;) (the staff there must think I'm a complete fruit loop!)
So, now I have 2 days left til the removal men knock at my door, and start carting all my worldly possessions to the van... I still seem to have quite a bit to pack, but I'm a 'woman on a mission' now, and it'll get done...
Come rain or hail I'll be ready by the time they arrive on Wednesday....
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