Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Moving day approaches

It has just dawned on me that this time next week, the removal company will be just about to shut the door of their van and head off for my new home.... Oh My Goodness!!!!

Yes, panic has set in good and proper.... yesterday it felt like I still had quite a bit of time, but today it feels like I'll never be ready... why does it feel like that :(

I've offered to bake cookies for a friend who's coming round tomorrow evening, have planned to take the kids to see Santa on Friday, have booked a night out on Saturday and am taking the boys swimming on Sunday.... so now, all of a sudden 'MOVE DAY' is an awful lot closer than it seems.....

Oh, and I still need to bring my bike down to get the chain guard moved slightly....

OMG, OMG, OMG...... breathe.... you won't be able to pack if you're hyperventilating....

I really must dash, while trying to keep the fridge and freezer stocked as low as possible I've also managed to run out of eggs and milk , so have to nip to the grocery store!!!