So while England lost at the footy, and while someone else claimed the '10,000 th post mark' I was still finding stuff I completely forgot I had... thankfully this time I didn't have to try it all on ;)
I had stumbled upon another box of goodies.... inside I found a photo frame that I bought way back in April 06... At the time, I totally HAD to buy it, but considering it's been in its box since then, clearly it wasn't a 'must have' item.... it was a lovely surprise tho, like a little crimbo pressie from the flat to me.... Ahhh, gee thanks Flat, hmmmm, how to return the favour.... hmmm, how does new owners sound? Good? OK, done! You can have new owners as a special Christmas pressie to you from me!
OK, I MUST be going insane... not only do I often talk to Mr Tom, but now I'm also talking to myself and the flat..... I really do need to get a job lined up for the new year methinks ;-)
So, to any of you out there who are moving house or will be in the near future... I know you will have probably read this a million times already, but these are a few things I've found helpful, and some I wish I'd done ;)
1. BEFORE you start packing, get a lidded plastic box... inside put all essential documents/items that you will need... - driving licence, passport, council tax bill, leasehold information, deeds for the house etc etc - everything you will need to lay your grubby hands upon....
1a. ALSO, if you take them out remember to put these VIP items BACK inside the box when you finish... or else you'll do like me, and loose something (has anyone seen my driving licence?).
2. When counting up how much packing material and how many boxes you need, add a bit for good measure.... it's very easy to underestimate how many you'll need - and again, like me, you'll end up scrambling round at the last minute trying to find more... (PS, freecycle is GREAT for things like these)..... When I'd gotten down to my last box, mum and I were like a pair of mad women.... if we saw a box we jumped out of our skin to get it!
3. When you've got the removal date planned... block out the weekend (or perhaps even 2) before the move.... don't do like me and plan a jam packed weekend of activities right before the move.... you will probably be behind schedule with the packing towards the end and those weekends will be precious!
OK, that's enough packing tips for now... it's getting late and I still need to go bake Snickerdoodles.... ;-)
oooh beginning to feel your panic just reading about it!!
im sure it will all come right in the end...Mary about to get on the boat...Now where is Mr.Tom?????
its great you have the support of family and friends. When I moved it was abig help to suddenly panic thinking Id made a big mistake...but it was great to get reassurance from my peeps
One tip id like to suggest is to write down or tell someone close to you all the reasons why you decided to make the move... what you want to get away from and wh\t you hope to gain by the move. its a nice little reminder and great reassurance to have.
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