Well, partly to get some of you (you know who you are) off my back, and partly to blog the story of moving home, moving country and starting my life again at the ripe old age of 27...
As I have already mentioned 2007 for me has been a year of great change... I've heard it said that the life cycle changes every 7 years, but have never really believed it... UNTIL NOW. At the beginning of this year I realised that it was going to be a tough one, and that there would be some big changes, but I never realised that my life would be bundled up into a ball, thrown into the washing machine and put on a full spin.... after the cycle finished my life would be better, fresher, and like new.... I'd been given a second chance...
Not all the decisions I made this year came to me in a flash of inspiration... some of them felt like they were forced upon me, and some of them came so gradually I hardly realised they were happening til I looked back.... but I have learned that sometimes life has to shout to really get your attention... Life was shouting at me.... and now I could hear it loud and clear...
I can remember this was the time I knew my life was about to do a complete backflip... it was back in June, and I was at the home of my very best friend... I remember the moment as if it had just happened... the three of us were playing cards, drinking beer & eating poppers (peppers filled with cream cheese, covered with breadcrumbs and deep fried... soooo good, and perfect with a beer).... the CD was playing in the background but this time I actually heard the chorus of the song "Now she's got 27 candles on her cake, and she means to make her life her own before there's 28"
I could feel the tears stinging at the back of my eyelids... I said nothing but realised that was what I had to do... I had to make sure that by the time I was blowing out the candles on my next birthday cake I'd taken my life back...

I remember being on the phone to my mum, ranting about something that had happened that day which had upset me, and for the first time I said outloud that I'd been thinking of moving to Ireland... it sounded ok when I said it, but I wasn't sure what her reaction would be.... well, she was a little shocked, but she thought it was a good decision... so, and hour after I'd first said it aloud I had come to the decision... I would now seriously look into it.
I spoke to my close friends, to see what they thought - they knew the year I'd had, and all that had gone on, and they too agreed that it seemed like the best decision for me... and if I didn't try it now, that I might regret it in future.... I hate the thought of living with regrets, so I started making plans.... quietly at first... I didn't want to hear everyone's 2 pence worth...
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